ECC Slashes Buyback Rate to Rs10/Unit, Amends Net-Metering Regulations


Pakistan’s Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) has approved amendments to the existing net-metering regulations, reducing the buyback tariff to Rs10 per unit. This decision aims to alleviate the growing financial burden on grid consumers, which has increased significantly due to the rising number of solar net-metering consumers ¹.

The revised framework will not apply to existing net-metered consumers with valid licenses or agreements, ensuring their rights and obligations remain unchanged. The ECC also approved an update to the settlement mechanism, treating imported and exported units separately for billing purposes ¹.

The decision follows discussions with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on plans to slash solar net-metering tariffs from Rs26/unit to Rs10/unit. The ECC meeting was chaired by Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb and attended by key ministers and officials ¹.

Key Highlights:

  • Revised Buyback Rate: Rs10 per unit, down from the national average power purchase price (NAPP)
  • Settlement Mechanism Update: Imported and exported units treated separately for billing purposes
  • Existing Consumers Protected: Revised framework does not apply to existing net-metered consumers with valid licenses or agreements
  • ECC Meeting: Chaired by Finance Minister Muhammad Aurangzeb, with key ministers and officials in attendance

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